Protecting yourself from RSV

Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, could cut even the best-laid plans short—but, fortunately, there are things you can do to help protect yourself.


Vaccination is available to help protect older adults against RSV. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist to learn if RSV vaccination is right for you.

Here are a few questions that might be helpful when you talk to your doctor about vaccination:

  • Is an RSV vaccine appropriate for me?
  • Will my insurance cover my vaccination?
  • How effective is RSV vaccination?

Other tips

In addition to vaccination, here are some tips that may help reduce the risk of contracting RSV yourself or spreading it to others:

Icon: wash hands

Wash your hands

Icon: keep hands off face

Keep your hands off your face

Icon: avoid contact with sick people

Avoid close contact with sick people

Icon: cover coughs and sneezes

Cover your coughs and sneezes

Icon: clean surfaces

Clean and disinfect surfaces around you

Icon: stay home when sick

Stay home when you’re feeling sick

RSV infection can be serious. Fortunately, vaccination is available. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about vaccination and other ways to protect yourself and others from RSV.